Friday, April 2, 2010


Today we visited the Redondo Beach Pier in our beautiful Easter weather and saw these huge pelicans who flew in CLOSE

Spring training

Had a great visit with good friends, Bob and Jenell Burnharm in Phoenix and went to see our Boys in Blue at the new stadium. So very much fun. Played wii for hours last night. Nice shot of Torres and Lasorda!

Oscar party

In February we had a fabulous Academy Award party hosted by Heidi and Whit at their home. Heidi planned all food around the Best Picture nominees with potato latkes, hummus and veggies, the traditional chili dogs and cUPcakes and even non-alcoholic martinis for "An Education". Whit won for best guesses, followed by me and Brighton coming in third!

Trip to Utah in January

I haven't posted in many months so here's a few photos from our trip to Utah. Spent an afternoon with Dyana and had a great visit with Doug, Stef and the rascal, Weston. We also had lunch with Neil and Katie. Sorry I don't have photos of the other loved family members we saw, specifically my Mom and Dad.