Monday, March 30, 2009

Two Weekends

Fun, fun, fun - With Brighton dazzling as Lady Macbeth at the Y's "MacBeth" her siblings all were supporting fans. Jordan and I went opening night. The Pikus clan went too. I took my Mom and Dad with Donna and Rich the next night and then Chelsea came into town and we had a lot of fun and a lot of late night p.j. parties. This weekend Eric, Whit and Heidi came. The Friday night show was really great. On Saturday, Doug and Stef came down and EJ and I played with mighty Weston while they went to the matinee. That night Eric, the Hertfords and the Phelps and I went for a big night at Nickelcade and I am addicted to the hand dance machine!!
We appreciate everyone else who supported Lady B.

Thursday, March 5, 2009


Stef - tagged me for this survey and I didn't know how to transfer it - so I hope this works.
1. Who was your FIRST prom date? I got to go to the Prom as a Sophomore because my boyfriend was a Junior. His name was Bud Bulmer a la Everett and Buddy to me.
2. Do you still talk to your FIRST love? Used to check in with each other every couple of years, but not for the last couple years.
3. What was your FIRST alcoholic drink? This is my golden ticket that I am counting on going against a lot of other stupid things I did - never had one!!
4. What was your FIRST job? When I was in 8th grade my dad told me to get it out of my head about going to BYU because they would never be able to afford it. So I told him I would get a job and the next day after school I went over to Dombrowski's Florist and got an after school job typing statements.
5. What was your FIRST car? A cool '56 Chevy Bel-Air, two-tone green I inherited from my sister Linda who inherited it from my sister Donna. Then I painted it a silver blue - what an idiot!!
6. Who was the FIRST person to text you today? Brighton - usually is.
7. Who is the FIRST person you thought of this morning? Eric the man cause I am picking him up from the airport tonight at 10:20 and I miss him!!!
8. Who was your FIRST grade teacher? Mrs. JOnes - we moved in my first grade year
9. Where did you go on your FIRST ride on an airplane? Flew to San Franciso with my sister Linda to visit our married sister, Blanche.
10. Who was your FIRST best friend & do you still talk? Anita Savory and no, I have no idea where she is.
11. Where was your FIRST sleep over? Anita's - who lived next door
12. Who was the FIRST person you talked to today? My boss, Reed.
13. Whose wedding were you in for the FIRST time? I was a flower girl when I was about 4 in a family friend's wedding
14. What was the FIRST thing you did this morning? Ran around house to pick up before work.
15. FIRST tattoo? NEVER! Depise tattoos. "Follow the Prophet"
16. FIRST piercing? Ears at 37.
17. FIRST foreign country you've been to? England - on my (first)honeymoon. Liked it better last year with Eric though!!
18. FIRST movie you remember seeing? Ahhh! No idea - maybe "Peter Pan" or "Cinderella" but must have been really young. Probably first went to the drive-in - whoa - age!!
19. When was your FIRST detention? Maybe 6th grade - for talking!!
20. What was the FIRST state you lived in? Califor - Ni -A

Tag you're it: Tricia, Adrienne (b/c she better say I was her first BFF), Lisa, Kristen Lee, Jodi, and anyone else who wants to do it. And Carol - she should do it too